Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
There is no conscious wrist hinge!
A topic of interest for many golfers is the wrist cock that takes place during the back swing: When to cock the wrists? How to cock the wrists? Mel shares his thoughts on the subject in this month's video golf tip.
Easy Golf Drill for Weight Transfer.
Learn the finer points of movement and weight shift though the golf swing with this easy drill you can do at home during the off-season.
Master The Release and Slice No More!
Learn proper hand rotation and release technique, pick up a new drill that will help you avoid pulling and hooking your shots, and find out how to counter the dreaded "chicken wing." Master these skills and slice no more!
The Correct Golf Grip 101.
A proper golf grip is essential to your game. Check out Mel's latest video golf tip to learn one of the foundations of good grip: how to place your hands on the clubs.
How poor address position affects your swing.
Join Mel Sole and Chris Marsh for this comprehensive examination of proper address position and posture. Mel touches on knee and arm positions, alignment and ball position.
Don't Make the Same Mistake As Steve Stricker.
Steve Stricker's win at last weekend's John Deere Classic could have been a little easier if he had not made this key mistake getting out of the sand. Do you know what I'm referring to? To find out, and to learn how to avoid making this mistake yourself, watch Mel's latest video golf tip.
3 Ball Positions + 1 Swing = Better Golf.
In this month's video golf tip, learn how Mel Sole's golf ball position and setup formula can help you achieve more consistency in your game and ultimately increase your enjoyment of golfing.
Always Have a Goal in Mind!
Learn about two key factors in maximizing the distance you get from your golf swing: swing arc and hip speed.
Lower Your Scores With Visualization.
Mel Sole is joined once again by Chris Marsh to demonstrate how visualizing where you want to land the ball will help improve your short game skills and ultimately lower your scores.
Better Bunker Play Through Visualization.
Mel Sole and Chris Marsh reveal a powerful, stroke saving visualization technique that can help you improve your bunker play.
Chipping From Thick Rough.
Learning how to chip from the rough can be a big stroke saver around the greens. In this video golf tip, Mel shares the secrets of chipping from the rough, touching on club selection, stance, swing and grip.
Upper Body Separation with a Hip Rotation Drill.
Mel shows us an easy drill that addresses the direct correlation between hip rotation and keeping the arms straight through extension.