
More Easy Ways to Improve Your Bunker Shots

If you do just one thing this week to get ready for the coming golf season, watch this video! In just 3 minutes, I share some simple advice to get big improvements in your bunker play.

The 3 Keys

There are 3 important keys to becoming a good bunker player. Here they are.

Lower Body

Start with your weight on your front foot at the address and keep it there. As you come through the shot, make sure you rotate the body and not hit with the arms.

Underhand throw

Sometimes, put your club down and grab a ball in your lower hand. Stand in your regular posture and toss the ball underhand to the flagstick. You will feel a natural weight shift and body rotation, and the arm will extend out to the target. THAT is exactly what a bunker shot should feel like!


Finish with all your weight on your front foot, hips through to the target and arms extended out in front of you (like the underhand throw). You are now a Sand Master!


Ace Bunker Shots