
Get Rid of Toe Shots

Toe Hits suck power from your swing and often pull the ball to the right. In this Mel In Motion Video Golf Tip, Mel explains why toe hits happen and provide drills to help you avoid this common problem.

The Reasons

There are two reasons you hit the golf ball off the toe of the club.

Standing too far from the ball at address.

When you stand too far away from the ball, it usually causes you to bend more from the waist. When you make your swing, the body tries to get into a more comfortable position and straightens up. Some people call this “lifting the head,” but it is really the straightening spine angle.

The chicken wing!

Definitely the most common cause of hitting the ball off the toe. A toe hit is almost always the result when the lead arm breaks down, or you “chicken-wing” the shot. Not only does it cause the tow hit, but this is usually accompanied by the clubface staying open, so a double whammy in the power department!

The Cure

Make sure your arms are hanging directly down from your shoulders in the address position. When your arms are at 90 degrees to your shoulders, the body does not need to make any compensations, and a more solid strike is the result.

See several drills on this website that will help you eliminate the chicken wing. Once that is accomplished, not only will you hit the ball with more power, but your accuracy will improve as well!

You know How To Get Rid of Toe Hits. Enjoy your game!


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