Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
Understanding Golf Tempo.
Golf tempo is about the relationship between your back swing and down swing. More precisely defined, it's the time that elapses between the moment you start your back swing to the completion of your swing. With everything there is to think about on the course, it's easy to lose your tempo.
Low and Slow - says Jack Nicklaus!
In this month's video golf tip, Mel Sole introduces The Perfect Takeaway, a new and highly effective training aid that will help you get consistently great swings.
The Wrist Positions Must Match!
If you have a problem with hooking or slicing the ball, this golf tip is for you.
Golf Training Aids That Improve Bad Swings.
There are literally hundreds of golf teaching aids on the market, all designed to help the golfer achieve the correct positions in the golf swing. (Anyone's who's seen the movie Tin Cup will understand to what length golfers will go to help their golf swing!) Here are three golf aids that I highly recommend and use at the Mel Sole Golf School with my students.
Easy Way to Improve Your Backswing.
An essential component of a great backswing is getting the first part of the takeaway right. With this easy drill you can do at home, Mel shows you how to perfect that first move and improve your backswing.